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Is it better to raise ridge or level border for vegetable cultivation in greenhouse?

Greenhouse vegetable planting management is much more sophisticated than open field planting management, soil preparation, transplanting, watering, fertilization, pollination, spraying each step is particularly fine. As far as soil preparation is concerned, our traditional planting is mainly ridge raising and then planting. However, in recent years, more and more people are no longer so time-consuming and laborious in ridging, but planting vegetables on flat beds, which grow well and yield high.

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There are two main reasons why greenhouse vegetables are widely ridged

First of all, the earliest greenhouse vegetables were mainly planted in the off-season cultivation, and the greenhouse heat preservation effect was used to grow vegetables in the cold season. Under low temperature conditions, this high ridge can expand the area of solar radiation, thus increasing soil temperature and promoting vegetables to grow better.

Secondly, in order to reduce the erosion of irrigation water on the root system of vegetables, and for the convenience of watering, ridge and furrow irrigation is used for vegetable planting in greenhouse. It is also easier to irrigate a single ditch or several ditches than to irrigate the whole shed.

In the past, the ridging cultivation of vegetables was mostly determined by the planting conditions at that time. Now, with the development of modern agriculture, better facilities for vegetable planting are provided. We need to consider this problem from various aspects, mainly involving vegetable types, crop rotation and irrigation methods.

1. Different kinds of vegetables have different ways of soil preparation.

Leafy vegetables are generally planted in a flat bed. Most of the solar greenhouses are East-West oriented. In the greenhouse, we do the border in the north-south direction. First, fertilize and plough the soil. Then we make a flat border about 1.2 meters wide and the length is the width of the shed.

Fruits and vegetables, legumes and other vegetables cultivated in the long season and mainly result from ridging cultivation. Generally, the ridge width is 50cm and the ditch width is 70cm, and two rows are planted on each ridge; melon crops can also be planted with equal row spacing, with one row on each ridge, the row spacing is 1m, the ridging width is about 35cm, and the ditch width is about 65cm.


2. Different planting seasons are the key factors to determine different land preparation methods.

An important purpose of raising ridge cultivation is to raise soil temperature, so we can raise ridge cultivation in anti season planting. But now the greenhouse annual production, the temperature in different seasons is very different, we should treat this problem differently according to different cultivation seasons.

There are four common stubbles for vegetable cultivation in greenhouse, including winter and spring stubble, early spring, late autumn and one big crop over winter.

Winter and spring stubble: This stubble is often used for Cucumber Planting. It is planted around New Year's day, and it is almost harvested in Spring Festival until July and August. The peak period of cucumber fruiting is from March to May when there are few cucumbers. The price is very high and the benefit is very good. The temperature of this stubble is relatively low when planting, so it is the most difficult to plant.


Early spring rotation: most vegetables can be planted in this rotation, and the time to market is about one month earlier than that of open field planting, and the benefit is good. Most of the solar greenhouses were planted in the middle of March, and the plastic arch sheds were planted in the first ten days of April, and the soil temperature was stable above 10 ℃.

In December, most vegetables can be planted in autumn.

At present, there are only a few kinds of Tomato in the first year and the second year.


The method of soil preparation is different in different stubbles. Winter and spring crop and overwintering one big crop need to go through low temperature season, and ridge cultivation is usually used when the temperature is high in early spring and late autumn.

3. Different irrigation methods have different soil preparation methods.

In traditional planting, flood irrigation is the main method, while in modern agriculture, there are many irrigation methods. Drip irrigation has been widely used. Drip irrigation can be purposefully irrigated around the root system, which is more water-saving and convenient for irrigation.

Drip irrigation makes soil preparation less troublesome. The whole greenhouse ploughed and leveled, and then planted according to the appropriate plant row spacing. The large row spacing is about 80cm, and the small row spacing is about 40cm. Each planting is paved with a drip irrigation pipe for irrigation, which can fully meet the needs of crop growth.

Conclusion: in order to meet the water demand of vegetable growth in greenhouse, we should first consider the problem of planting stubble, and then adjust it according to different irrigation methods to meet the water demand of vegetable growth.

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