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The "Guide to Stocking Vegetables" during the epidemic, this will help the ingredients to extend the shelf life.

    During the epidemic, many families started the "hoarding vegetables" mode. In order to reduce the frequency of going out, whether it is online purchase or on-site selection, you may buy a bunch of inventory at one time. However, some foods are only suitable for buying and eating immediately, and a large amount of storage or improper storage will greatly reduce the freshness and nutritional value of the ingredients.

    In terms of the storage of ingredients, some of them are vegetables, but they have different "optimum temperatures". The following summarizes the correct storage method of common ingredients for you:

    1. Vegetables

   Vegetables are mainly divided into leafy vegetables, rhizomes, melons and fruits, mushrooms, etc. Under normal circumstances, the suitable storage temperature of vegetables is 0℃-10℃, but the storage temperature of different varieties is different.

     Leafy vegetables

    These vegetables are perishable and lose nutrients. Most of the leafy vegetables are cool vegetables, and the suitable temperature is 0℃-2℃, not lower than 0℃. It should be noted that green leafy vegetables must be packed and placed in the refrigerator, not close to the inner wall of the refrigerator to avoid frostbite, and it is best to store them for no more than 3 days.



    This type of vegetables has relatively low moisture content and is easier to store. Covered with plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator or in a cool and ventilated place at home, it can be stored for about 7 days.


    ①Tomatoes, eggplants, green peppers, etc. can usually be stored at low temperature for 4-5 days. It is best not to store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Warm vegetables are suitable for storage at about 10 ℃, not lower than 8 ℃. These vegetables are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, and the shelf life is about 5 days.

    2. Fruit

    Most fruits need to be placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. If kept at room temperature, strawberries and grapes can be stored for a day or two, and apples and citrus can be stored for more than a week. Tropical fruits, such as bananas, mangoes, etc., do not need to be placed in the refrigerator to prevent frostbite. It is recommended to store them in a cool environment.

    3. Cooked vegetables

Once you're done, try not to save it for the next meal. If you can't eat it all at once and are unwilling to throw it away, you should set aside part of it when it is out of the pot, and store it directly in the refrigerator, which can be stored for 1 day.


    Mistake 1: Keep leafy greens in the refrigerator after sealing

    Vegetables stored with water are easy to breed bacteria, especially leafy vegetables with high physiological activity, too tight sealing, too much water, more prone to rot and deterioration, and leaf loss.

    Suggestion: After buying green leafy vegetables, dry the surface water first, then put them in special food bags and put them in the refrigerator. It is important to note that the bag does not need to be completely sealed. Because leafy greens also need to breathe. Before storing, tie the bag with several ventilation holes to ensure good ventilation.

    Mistake 2: Put tomatoes and unripe fruits in the refrigerator

    The study found that at low temperatures, genes related to the production of aromatic substances in tomatoes are "frozen", which greatly reduces the production of aromatic substances, resulting in a greatly reduced flavor. Unripe fruits are kept in the refrigerator and will remain underripe due to low temperature and cold damage. Even if they are moved to room temperature, they will quickly spoil.

    Recommendation: Tomatoes can be stored at room temperature.


    After buying the fruit, it is necessary to restore the state of purchase as soon as possible. For example, when the fruit is iced, it means that it has been refrigerated. After buying it, it should be put in the refrigerator as soon as possible. Refrigerate when mature.

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