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Tomato Growing Guide for May

     It is hot and rainy in May, and now it is the final growth period of all kinds of vegetables. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth harvest of vegetables, post-work should be done well. For seedling crops, we should pay more attention to the specific vegetable management guidelines in May. Let's learn about it together.

    Climate conditions: The climate in May is warm and the light is sufficient, which is suitable for the growth and development of various vegetable crops. In early spring, greenhouse vegetables enter the peak fruiting    period, which is the season for harvesting and listing. peak period.

    Management points: In May, focus on supporting the three trenches to prevent rainwater; strengthen field management, pay attention to the prevention and control of pests and diseases, and harvest all kinds of early-maturing vegetables grown in sheds in time; continue to pay close attention to the sowing of green leafy vegetables; Sowing and seedling of vegetables.


    Management of warm vegetables

    Warm vegetables have a long growth period. Due to the continuous harvesting, the fertilizer consumption is large. In addition to applying full-scale fertilizer, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in time after harvesting to prevent premature aging, prolong plant life and increase yield.

    Tomatoes should be pruned, topped, flowers thinned, fruit thinned, and old leaves cut off to facilitate ventilation and light transmission. When topdressing all kinds of vegetables, avoid applying heavy fertilizer; after the rainstorm, pay attention to clearing the ditch and draining the stains, so as to achieve "the open water can be drained and the dark water can be filtered" to reduce the groundwater level, pay attention to the prevention and control of pests and diseases, and grasp the "prevention before rain, after the rain". It is a favorable time for "treatment" to eliminate pests and diseases before they occur, so as not to reduce the quality.

Use of chemical weed control: It is necessary to ensure good weeding effect and safe growth of vegetables. Do not overdose. Harvest in time, so as not to affect the growth and development of flowers and fruits in the future and reduce yield.

     Entering the late stage of greenhouse tomato management in May, the following work must be done:

    1. Top dressing

    If it is found that there is a lack of fertilizer, it should be supplemented in time. Tomatoes mainly need nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in the later stage, and urea and potassium sulfate can be supplemented. Ensure that the fruit expands quickly.

    2. Pruning

    Tomatoes are prone to side shoots, and during periods of vigorous growth can produce large numbers of them every 10-20 days. Reducing side branches is beneficial for ventilation and nutrient consumption.


     3. Temperature and humidity

    In the later stage, attention should be paid to controlling the air humidity to avoid a large number of diseases. It is also conducive to early ripening of the fruit. The temperature can be controlled at 28-35°C during the day to facilitate fruit color change and nutrient transfer.

The temperature continues to rise, resulting in a sudden change in the external environment for tomato growth, which seriously affects the quality and yield of tomatoes. Therefore, farmers must use a variety of methods when planting tomatoes to timely control the temperature of the tomato growing environment and provide tomatoes with good quality. Growth production conditions.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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