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Rainy days, how to deal with the reduction of vegetable production.

In recent days, there have been occasional high temperatures and occasional showers, and greenhouse management has also been busy. High temperature can easily lead to poor growth of vegetables, high temperature obstacles, and seriously reduce planting benefits. Rainfall is conducive to the occurrence of diseases and affects the growth of vegetables. Therefore, greenhouse vegetable management has become the most concerned issue for vegetable farmers!


1. Before the rainstorm comes, pay attention to check the facilities of the shed. For example, whether the ventilation openings are tightly closed, whether the shed film is broken, whether the drainage channel in front of the shed is unblocked, etc., make preparations in time to prevent the shed from being irrigated by heavy rainfall.

2. Drain the water in time after the shed is flooded. After the rainstorm, if water enters the shed, it is recommended to rinse it with clean water (without any fertilizer) in time after drainage to provide sufficient oxygen for the root system, reduce root rotting, heat generation and dead tree phenomenon, that is, "waterlogged garden". If there is more muddy water on the plant, it is recommended to use a sprayer to clean it. In the future management, it should be managed normally, and fertilizer should be applied. If the greenhouse to be planted after the application of the base fertilizer is flooded, the fertilizer will be lost. It is recommended to re-apply the base fertilizer and dig the soil deeply to ensure the normal growth of vegetables.

Third, strengthen the maintenance of roots and leaves. After the rainstorm, high temperature and strong light are very likely to occur. The greatest impact of high temperature on vegetables is due to the strong transpiration of leaves. If the root system is not sufficiently developed, the water absorbed by the root system from the soil cannot meet the needs of plant evaporation, and the nutrient supply is insufficient. It will cause the leaves of vegetable plants to curl and fall off, resulting in an increase in deformed fruits, a decline in quality, and even premature aging and withering.

Vegetables can easily die after being flooded due to a lot of rain. Therefore, root irrigation can be performed by using soil moisture agents. Usually root irrigation is enough. It can also be used in conjunction with bio-fungi fertilizers to promote rooting and strengthening of crops. It should be noted that the concentration of fungicides should not be too high to avoid damage to the root system.


Fourth, strengthen management

Clean and straighten vegetables after heavy rain, reduce squeezing each other, and properly cultivate soil to obstruct roots. Rinse off the sludge splashed on the vegetable stems and leaves with clean water to keep the vegetable leaves breathing normally. Well water for cleaning water can not only reduce soil temperature, but also increase soil oxygen content and improve the breathing environment of plants; at the same time, remove diseased leaves, old leaves, rotten leaves, and rotten fruits to improve ventilation conditions, reduce humidity, and prevent the breeding of pathogens . , timely spraying of foliar fertilizer to quickly restore the vegetables to life.

5. Prevention and control of pests and diseases

Wind and rain are conducive to the spread of pathogens and accelerate the infection of diseases and insect pests after rain. Prevention and control should focus on "prevention first", and spray some preventive and protective agents in time for rain gaps. When a storm comes, harvest vegetables that are ripe or about to ripen as soon as possible to reduce losses.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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