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Strawberry planting, winter greenhouse strawberry planting techniques and temperature management, you know? Let's learn

Strawberry flavor is unique, rich in nutrition, moderate sugar acidity, especially vitamin C and mineral content is high, is people's favorite fruit. Strawberry has become one of the most important fruits in north winter and spring.

In recent years, its planting area has been expanding, and it has become an important crop cultivated in winter greenhouse, which has brought considerable economic benefits to many farmers.


Variety selection is the premise of high yield and benefit. The varieties with early flower bud differentiation, shallow dormancy and good cold resistance should be selected for greenhouse cultivation. At the same time selecting strawberry seedlings must pay attention to eliminate diseased seedlings weak seedlings. In particular, seedlings with viral diseases must be strictly culled.

Second, do a good job of keeping warm and cold

Recently, the temperature has dropped sharply. Although the strawberries have strong adaptability to temperature, freezing damage will occur when the temperature is below -7℃, and the plants will freeze to death if the temperature drops below -10℃. So be sure to take anti-freezing measures.

Three, temperature, humidity and light

Temperature management

Winter is the key period of the greenhouse strawberry blossom and fruit, low temperature, high temperature have a great impact on the strawberry.

Effects of Low temperatures

● The low temperature below 5℃ at night can make the pistil of strawberry suffer poor pollination, or make the strawberry fruit form cold damage difficult to expand, forming deformed fruit, lose commercial.

● Daytime often in the 15℃ below the temperature conditions will induce strawberry dormancy, resulting in growth retardation, absorption of fertilizer and water absorption ability becomes poor, fruit smaller, yield decline.

The effect of High temperature

● The high temperature above 28℃ will affect the pollination of strawberry, if the high temperature continues above 30℃, it will cause the strawberry flowering pollination rate is seriously decreased, more serious is that the differentiation of the second inflorescence of strawberry is inhibited, affecting the later production, and even the occurrence of sun burning disease, resulting in no yield.


When the temperature in the shed exceeds or is lower than the required temperature, it should be timely ventilated for cooling or heat preservation. The measures are to let out the air for cooling three times every day at 9 am, 12 noon and 2 PM, and pay attention to starting heat preservation at 4 PM.

● Humidity Management

The humidity in the greenhouse is closely related to the temperature. When the temperature is low, the relative humidity is high, and when the temperature is high, the relative humidity is small. Especially when flowering, the humidity should be small, and the optimum relative humidity is 40%.

Moisture control measures

● Pay attention to ventilation and humidity after watering.

● Lighting Management

Insufficient light in winter will hinder the growth and development of strawberries, and in the long run, it will lead to delayed growth and development of strawberries, slow fruit expansion, chromatic aberration and more deformed fruit.

Fourth, strengthen planting management

In winter, due to low temperature and insufficient light, the photosynthetic efficiency of strawberry is relatively low. Proper plant finishing can promote the development of strawberry fruit, nutrient absorption of root system and prevent premature senescence.


Five, fertilizer and water management

Strawberry is afraid of dry intolerant of waterlogging, more sensitive to water, is a more water crops. From flowering to fruit maturity, water should be supplied evenly and adequately to keep the soil moist.

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Address: Gerui agriculture, 20 / F, Shouguang e-commerce building, Shandong Province

Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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