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Why develop soilless culture? What are the advantages of soilless culture?

First, soil problems

At present, soil pollution is serious in our country, soil desertification, soil salinization, soil compaction all affect the quality of vegetable planting. Different areas of soil salinization is more serious, not conducive to crop growth, even grass.

Ii. Current situation of modern agriculture

With the development of society, the planting technology of vegetables is constantly improving. At the same time, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is also increasing, but the yield is declining, and the occurrence of diseases is also increasing.


1. Abnormal weather

With global warming and unstable climate change in recent years, ordinary shed can not effectively regulate the environment in the shed, which has too much influence on plants, resulting in reduced production or even no yield.

2. Repeat cropping

Repeated cropping is also called continuous cropping barrier, so that the plants produce autotoxic phenomenon. Autotoxic phenomenon refers to the decomposition process of the residues of previous crops, which will produce some toxins, such as organic acids, aldehydes, alcohols and hydrocarbons, which have significant inhibition effect on the next crop, affect the growth of the crop itself, and lead to the increase of diseases.

3. Not applying fertilizer properly

Unreasonable fertilization may cause fertilizer damage, burning seedlings, plant wilting and other phenomena. Excessive use of a certain nutrient element will also hinder the absorption of other nutrient elements, causing deficiency disease. Can also lead to soil salinization, soil compaction and other symptoms.

Three, the advantages of soilless cultivation

1. Strong crop growth, high product quality and good quality

The combination of soilless cultivation and horticulture facilities can reasonably adjust the light, temperature, water, air, fertilizer and other environmental conditions of crop growth, and give full play to the production potential of crops. Compared with soil cultivation, the growth rate of soilless cultivation was faster and stronger. For example, 40 days after yellow light sowing, the plant height, leaf number and relative maximum leaf area in soilless cultivation were 2~4 times of that in soil cultivation, respectively. Crop yields can be multiplied.


2. Save water, fertilizer, labor and labor

Soilless cultivation can avoid soil irrigation water, nutrient loss and leakage and soil micro

Biological absorption fixed, fully absorbed by crops to improve utilization efficiency.

The water consumption of soilless cultivation is only about 10%~25% of that of soil cultivation. It is of great significance to save water resources, especially for crop planting in arid and water-scarce areas. It is one of the effective measures to develop water-saving agriculture. The fertilizer utilization rate of soil cultivation is only about 50%, even as low as 20%~30%, while the fertilizer utilization rate of soilless cultivation is as high as more than 90%. Soilless cultivation saves heavy manual labor such as plowing, ploughing, carding, weeding, etc., and with the use of computer and system in soilless cultivation production management facilities, mechanization and automatic operation are gradually realized, which greatly reduces labor intensity, saves labor force and improves labor productivity, and can be adopted in a similar way with industrial production.

3. Less pests and diseases, can avoid soil alignment obstacles

Soilless cultivation and horticulture facilities should be combined and carried out under relatively closed environmental conditions. To a certain extent, the invasion of crops by external and soil pathogens and pests can be avoided. In addition, the crop growth is robust, so the occurrence of diseases and pests is mild and easy to control. There is no soil planting species of parasite eggs, heavy metals, chemical pollution and other public hazards.

4. Greatly expand agricultural production space

Soilless cultivation frees crop production from the constraints of soil and greatly expands the available space for the owner to produce. Idle barren hills, wastelands, river flats, islands, and even beaches and Gobi beaches can be cultivated with soilless cultivation for crop production. Especially in densely populated cities, the space such as roof terrace and balcony can be used to grow crops, and the living environment can be improved at the same time. Multi-layer three-dimensional cultivation can be developed in greenhouse and other horticultural facilities to make full use of space and tap the pre-production potential of horticultural facilities.


5. It is conducive to the modernization of agricultural production

Soilless cultivation can produce crops according to people's will through the integration of multiple disciplines and technologies, and the use of modern instruments, meters and operating machinery. It belongs to a controlled environment of modern agricultural production. It is beneficial to realize agricultural mechanization and automation, so as to step toward industrialization and modernization. The world's many "plant factories" are a symbol of modern agriculture. Our country last decade introduces and builds modern greenhouse and supporting soilless culture technology, promotes the advancement of our country agriculture modernization profitably.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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