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High temperature season vegetable control tips

Vegetables in the high temperature season, the metabolic rate is accelerated, once the environmental conditions are suitable, it is easy to appear prosperous situation, nutritional growth and reproductive growth will be unbalanced, is not conducive to the normal growth of vegetables.


So how to control the prosperity of vegetables in high temperature season?

1. Control of room temperature

At present, the night temperature is too high in the high temperature season, which is easy to cause plants to grow, and the effective way to reduce the night temperature is to reduce the heat storage of the wall and soil during the day, such as shading, irrigation, and planting of creeping vegetables.

2. Moderate weight control

Vegetable farmers can delay the original watering time for 2 days, and pay attention to the watering amount, which can be poured thoroughly to avoid flooding. At present, the nitrogen element in the soil is high and the proportion is out of proportion, which can lead to the growth of vegetables. In summer, when evaporation is large and water is used to control the growth, it is recommended to use small water frequent watering, ploughing and hoeing to avoid excessive water control and affect the normal growth of plants.


3. Leave fruit in time and prepare branches reasonably

In combination with plant growth, the fruit should be left early for the prosperous plants, and the fruit should be appropriately delayed when picking, so as to compete for plant nutrition as much as possible and reduce the flow of nutrients to the plants. Long plants should be properly late pruning, disperse nutrients, and then reasonable pruning after the number of remaining fruits increases or the plant recovers growth.

Experts remind: many vegetable farmers are used to use chemical control methods, the market commonly used to control a lot of agents, in use, must be combined with the weather conditions and plant growth, a reasonable proportion of the concentration of agents, it is best to do a small area test before use, and then the whole shed spraying. At the same time, when learning from other vegetable farmers' methods to use their own shed vegetables, remember to copy hard, adapt to local conditions, flexibly adjust, in order to find the most appropriate control method.

Precautions for vegetable control during high temperature season

After the high temperature season, vegetative growth and reproductive growth will be unbalanced, which is unfavorable to the late flowering and fruit setting, and it will take some time to return to normal after the boom, so, at present, vegetable control should start from the seedling stage, take many measures at the same time, reasonable conditioning, to ensure that the plant growth is normal.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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