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Infrastructure transformation, how to upgrade agricultural mechanization!

The central government proposes that modernization should be basically realized in 2035, and the facility horticulture industry should also keep up with the pace of China's social development, improve the modernization level of facility horticulture, develop towards localization, large-scale, standardization, and high-quality, build resource-saving horticulture facilities with regional advantages, and produce high-quality horticultural products that meet the needs of the Chinese people.

Standardization of horticultural facilities and cultivation techniques. It is necessary to develop and formulate facility structure standards and cultivation norms in different regions according to the climate characteristics of various places. It includes the research and specification of the best type and structure of horticultural facilities in different regions, the research and utilization of the reasonable cropping arrangement of the microclimate change law of facilities in different regions, the research of the regulation technology of facility environment, the research of the key technology of the efficient and safe production of facility vegetables, and the research of the efficient operation of facility vegetable enterprises.

How is agricultural machinery really understood

China is the largest country in facility agriculture, but it has not really become a powerful country in facility agriculture, it can be said that the mechanization of facility agriculture has long been a short board project in the field of agricultural machinery.

Compared with the developed countries, China's facility agricultural machinery in the production efficiency and accuracy are relatively low; The research and development and application of new materials, new processes and new technologies are lagging behind. The application degree of information technology is not enough, and it is difficult to fully reflect the advantages of information technology in facility agricultural machinery.

It can be said that, to a certain extent, our agricultural machinery has not entered the line of sight of facility producers. Especially for such facilities as plastic greenhouses and solar greenhouses, producers have limited understanding of agricultural machinery.


The hole tray into the bed machine transmits the hole tray after seeding through the conveyor belt and other mechanisms, and automatically places it in the logistics seedling bed according to the queue. The equipment is composed of a two-sided drive system, a double-layer flat pushing mechanism, etc., which is accurately controlled by a servo motor, and the hole plate is placed neatly, with an output efficiency of 800-1000 disks/hour. It can be connected with automatic sowing line, transplanter and other equipment.

Agricultural machinery enterprises should understand the policy dividend

Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has formulated and issued a number of plans and guidance, clear the development direction, goals and tasks of facility agriculture, guide all regions to expand the production field of facility agriculture, deeply tap the production potential of facility agriculture, and improve the scale, quality and efficiency of the development of facility agriculture.

Among them, the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Facility planting Mechanization" mentioned that by 2025, the regional layout of planting facilities will be more reasonable, the structural type will be more optimized, the total area of planting facilities dominated by plastic greenhouses, solar greenhouses and multi-greenhouse will be stable at more than 2 million hectares, and the overall mechanization level of facility planting will reach more than 50%.


The intelligent logistics seedbed is intelligently controlled through the digital twin mode, and a complete logistics transportation system in the greenhouse is formed through reasonable planning and layout, so as to realize the transfer of seedbeds in different sections of the greenhouse with high flexibility.

In recent years, the central finance has continuously increased its support for the development of facility agriculture. By actively giving play to the guiding role of agricultural machinery purchase and application subsidy policies, greenhouse facilities, sprinkler irrigation machinery and equipment, livestock and poultry aquaculture equipment and other facilities involved in facility agriculture are included in the scope of subsidies.

In fact, facility agriculture is not only related to our vegetable basket, but also can contribute to our "oil bottle". The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs also mentioned in its reply that it is carrying out pilot agricultural facilities for grain and oil crops. We will carry out forward-looking and leading technology demonstrations, and raise the level of the installed, mechanized and intelligent production of grain and oil crops.

The dividend at the policy level is only the guiding role, and the market is the factor that really plays a leading role. Whether the enterprise can really understand the market and close the product to the market is also the key to making good use of the dividend.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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