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Today, the summer solstice

Today (21st) at 22:58

Usher in the "summer solstice" solar term

The summer solstice is the fourth solar term of summer

It's also the longest day of the year

In the ultimate summer, there is always the ultimate view

Let's feel it!


Greenhouses need attention!


1. Cover the roof of the greenhouses with shading nets to reduce the direct sunlight into the shed in summer.

2. Install atomizing fans in the greenhouses. Spray cold water into the greenhouses to increase the humidity of the air in the greenhouses, absorb the heat of the air in the greenhouses, and reduce the temperature of the indoor air.

3. Install a large exhaust fan in the multi-storey greenhouse to force the air inside the shed to flow through strong exhaust, forming a circulation convection situation between the fresh cool air outside the shed and the hot and hot air inside the shed. The faster the air flow and ventilation speed, the better the cooling effect.

4. Install rows of water spraying systems in the greenhouses to reduce the ambient air temperature by spraying cold water into the hot air in the shed.



The high temperature in the shed will bring inconvenience to vegetable production, and the high temperature at night is the key to many problems. There is basically no light at night, if the temperature is too high, the respiration of vegetable plants has been maintained at a high intensity, which will consume a large amount of organic nutrients made during the day, resulting in weak plants and serious falling flowers and fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of the night temperature of the shed.

1. Combination of shading and watering

In order to bring down the temperature in the shed during the day, try a variety of methods, such as covering the sunshade net, spraying cooling agent, pouring mud, etc., but sometimes it is difficult to achieve the desired purpose, but make the plant grow weaker, flowering and fruit more difficult. Although the temperature in the shed is reduced to a certain extent by simply shading, the low-light environment greatly reduces the photosynthetic rate and reduces the accumulation of organic nutrients, which is unfavorable to vegetable production.

2. Water is a magic weapon for cooling in summer. Combining watering with shading can achieve cooling without affecting the normal growth of vegetables. By watering and spraying water regularly, the temperature of the shed can be controlled in the range suitable for vegetable growth. Every morning, we must go into the shed to observe the soil moisture content and determine whether it needs watering. Watering is generally carried out in the morning or evening, if the morning did not have time to water, resulting in high temperature in the shed at noon, you can spray water into the shed, do not water when the temperature is high at noon.

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Address: Gerui agriculture, 20 / F, Shouguang e-commerce building, Shandong Province

Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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