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HOME >> NEWS >> The five departments issued the Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating the Construction of an Agricultural Power.

The five departments issued the Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating the Construction of an Agricultural Power.


In order to fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress, the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, strengthen the goal orientation, problem orientation and result orientation, anchor the goal, and work hard to build an agricultural power with Chinese characteristics with strong supply guarantee, strong scientific and technological equipment, strong business system, strong industrial resilience, and strong competitiveness. To establish and improve a multi-level, wide coverage and sustainable modern rural financial service system, enhance financial service capabilities, and help comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power, we hereby propose the following opinions.

We will increase financial support for the production of grain and major agricultural products.

We will focus on the new round of action to increase grain production capacity by 50 million metric tons, the project to increase corn yield per unit area, and the creation of tons of grain fields, and strengthen the docking of financing needs of grain producers to expand production capacity, upgrade equipment, and upgrade technology, so as to ensure stable grain production and increase production. Focus on soybean and oilseed production, live pigs and "vegetable basket" projects, the expansion of oil tea and the renovation of low-yielding and inefficient forests, and continue to increase credit. With the production and sale of agricultural materials such as fertilizers and pesticides as the entry point, we will meet the operation and development of agricultural enterprises and the working capital needs of agricultural production entities for purchasing agricultural materials. We will promote the comprehensive financial and insurance service model for the production and custody of grain and important agricultural products, and promote the development of specialized and socialized services for the production of agricultural products. Financial institutions should actively participate in the market-based purchase of grain, and agricultural development banks should timely and fully issue reserves and rotation loans.

We will strengthen financing services for the construction of high-standard farmland and water conservancy infrastructure.

In accordance with the requirements of gradually building all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, focusing on key areas such as soil improvement and farmland drainage and irrigation facilities, giving differentiated policies in terms of loan subjects, repayment methods, and loan terms, exploring and promoting models such as whole-area comprehensive renovation to help the construction and upgrading of high-standard farmland. Actively sort out the list of financing needs of major projects such as the construction and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation areas, small and medium-sized reservoirs and water diversion projects, improve the project financing plan on a one-to-one basis, and increase the supply of medium and long-term loans. All localities are encouraged to bundle and package eligible projects throughout the province and the city, and coordinate the construction of diversified loan repayment channels to achieve self-balance of project income and sustainable operation.

We will continue to strengthen financial support for the revitalization of the seed industry.

Improve the financing monitoring mechanism of key seed industry enterprises, and accurately meet the financing needs of national seed industry bases and key enterprises. Encourage financial institutions to continue to increase investment in medium and long-term loans for major biological breeding projects, national breeding joint research and livestock and poultry genetic improvement programs, innovative variety rights (certificates), breeding and seed production facilities and equipment as collateral loans, and reasonably meet the differentiated financing needs of breeding research and development, seed (seedling) breeding, intensive processing, promotion and sales, etc. To promote the integration of breeding, reproduction and promotion. We will make good use of modern seed industry development funds and encourage angel investors to increase capital investment in venture capital funds.

Do a good job of building a diversified food supply system financial services.

Establish a big food concept, guide financial institutions to enrich the types of biological assets pledged credit products, and help build a diversified food supply system that integrates grain, economy and feed, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and plants, animals and microorganisms. We will improve the allocation of credit resources and support the transformation and upgrading of grassland animal husbandry. We will actively meet the demand for credit in large-scale and standardized integrated rice and fishery farming, large-scale ecological fisheries, the construction of land-based and far-reaching Marine aquaculture and fishery farms, and the development of deep-sea fishery resources, and accelerate the construction of modern Marine ranches and fishing port economic zones.

We will increase financing support for research and development of modern facility agriculture and advanced agricultural machinery.

Relying on the action to modernize facility agriculture, we will innovate financial products and service models, and increase financial support for grain drying, facility agriculture production, refrigerated agricultural production sites, cold-chain logistics facilities, large-scale livestock and poultry breeding, slaughter and processing, centralized rice seedling centers, and intensive vegetable seedling centers. We will encourage the expansion of the scope of pledging rural assets to meet the reasonable financing needs of large-scale intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment, small machinery and horticultural machinery suitable for hilly and mountainous areas, and machinery research and development for small and medium-sized farmers. We will steadily develop financial leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment, and promote the application of advanced agricultural machinery and equipment.

We will strengthen financial support for green agricultural development.

Guide financial institutions to innovate credit products in the fields of carbon sequestration and sink increase in planting industry, carbon reduction and reduction in aquaculture industry, and green agricultural machinery research and development, and increase credit support for national agricultural green development pilot zones. We will promote forest rights mortgage loans and other characteristic credit products, and explore loan businesses such as emission rights, forestry carbon sequestration expected revenue rights, and contract energy management revenue rights as collateral. Explore diversified forestry loan financing models, increase medium - and long-term credit support, and support the development of forest economy. We will strengthen the use of monetary policy tools such as carbon emission reduction support tools, and continue to increase financial support for infrastructure construction such as wind power generation, solar energy and photovoltaic energy in eligible rural areas.

We will support the development and growth of county industries that enrich the people.

Financial institutions should innovate and develop financial products with regional highlights, rely on local agricultural and rural characteristic resources, "one chain and one policy" to do a good job in "local specialties" financial services, and promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Comprehensive use of closed-loop management of special accounts, integration of repayment sources, construction of high-quality assets against pledges and other credit enhancing measures to actively meet the needs of county-level industrial park construction and enterprise development funds.

We will promote rural businesses, employment and income.

Focusing on manufacturing and processing, logistics and express delivery, domestic service, catering, construction and other industries where migrant workers are employed, financial institutions are encouraged to include social security contributions, vocational skills training, and job stabilization assistance into the credit evaluation system. We will continue to increase investment in credit resources for the construction of returnee business parks and rural business incubation and training bases, deepen the connection between banks and enterprises, and encourage more key groups such as rural migrant workers and people with flexible employment to start businesses and find employment. We will strengthen the implementation of policies on guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship, encourage local governments to appropriately relax the application conditions for guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship in light of local conditions, simplify the approval process, and actively meet the needs of migrant workers for credit for entrepreneurship.

We will improve basic financial services in rural areas

We will develop digital financial inclusion in rural areas.

Relying on financial technology to empower rural revitalization demonstration projects, financial institutions are encouraged to use next-generation information technology to create financial products and services that benefit farmers and people according to local conditions, and improve the level of digital inclusive finance in rural areas. Encourage financial institutions to optimize the layout of inclusive financial service points, expand the radius of financial services to remote rural areas and mountain areas, promote the cooperation of finance and express logistics, e-commerce sales, public service platforms, etc., and form a "four-flow" rural digital inclusive financial service system of capital flow, logistics, business flow, and information flow. Under the premise of legal compliance and controllable risks, we will promote and improve special payment products such as "Rural revitalization theme cards", and promote mobile payment to the county rural areas.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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