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How should vegetable growers cope with hot weather?

Entering the summer, the outdoor temperature is getting higher and higher, and the high temperature weather makes everyone just want to stay in the air-conditioned room, refusing the "warmth" of the summer sun. People can not stand the high temperature weather at the same time, fruits and vegetables can not stand the high temperature "baptism". So what should we do in the summer?


First, the main impact of weather on vegetables


In addition to winter melon, pumpkin, bitter melon, beans, water spinach and other slightly heat-resistant varieties, most of the vegetables are not heat-resistant. When the high temperature exceeds the suitable range of vegetable growth and development, it will cause the decrease of enzyme activity of vegetable cells, cell water loss, protein coagulation and pollen dysplasia, resulting in thin plant growth, the increase of flower and fruit loss, malformed fruit and premature withered and other phenomena.


Vegetable products are tender and juicy, and the fresh heavy water content of common vegetables is more than 90%, so vegetables have higher water requirements. During drought, the photosynthesis of vegetables decreased, growth stagnated, and the transport of nutrients and photosynthetic products was hindered due to lack of water.


If the light exceeds the light demand of vegetables, photoinhibition (photodestruction) will occur, destroy chlorophyll and affect photosynthesis. In severe cases, strong light can cause burns to the leaves or fruits, such as sunburn of chili peppers, and the leaves of various vegetables are prone to dry or white spots. Too much light will also cause water to evaporate too quickly, resulting in wilting.


Water properly.

Pour water once in the morning and evening, and use water to evaporate hot air to achieve the effect of heat dissipation and temperature reduction. In high temperature and hot weather, the air is particularly dry, it is best to use spraying equipment to water vegetables when watering vegetables, so that the watering effect will be better, but also pay attention to the time, do not water vegetables before and after noon, because the noon sun is strong, high temperature, if suddenly watering vegetables, Making vegetables suddenly reduce the temperature will cause physiological obstacles to vegetables, easy to make vegetables grow poorly.

Enhance ventilation.

Keep the head of the shed open, the edge film as far as possible to raise ventilation, and leave wide gaps at the top of the shed to put the wind. Install anti-insect nets in ventilated areas as much as possible.

Shed film with mud or cooling agent.

Splashing mud has a certain effect, but the anti-erosion effect is poor; Shading and cooling agents such as Liliang can be sprayed outside the shed film.

Operation line lay straw

First pour a small amount of water to moisten the soil, and then lay straw to reduce water evaporation and maintain soil moisture, the effect is better.

Install "simple air conditioning".

Install a spray device above the shed. When the temperature in the shed is too high, turn on the spray device to spray water to reduce the temperature in the shed and increase the air humidity.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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