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Must read for vegetable farmers! Do agricultural failure in exchange for blood and tears summary, must see!

"Happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." For agricultural investors, "successful projects are always similar, but the failures are different" compared to those successful experiences, the lessons of entrepreneurial failure are more worthy of attention.

How to research agricultural projects can be summarized as "three certainties", that is, if there are conditions for agricultural projects, there must be field research, agricultural entrepreneurs have opportunities for on-site exchanges, and agricultural cadres must ask for advice face to face when they have ideas.

There are thousands of failures in agricultural projects, but the common problems are often concentrated in several kinds. In order to better help you, I will summarize the typical lessons of universal significance, mainly as follows:

1. Be ignorant and fearless

Many people engage in agriculture, really with a so-called feelings, or an impulse to the temptation of profiteering in the rumor, without doing any homework, they rushed in. Because they really do not understand agriculture, this ignorance makes it easy for them to have dismissive and fearless views and ideas. With hundreds of thousands in hand, he began to plan how many enterprises to merge, and just raised millions of dollars, he wanted to punch Jingdong and kick Ali.

How big the project is, the first thing to think about is whether there is a corresponding amount of money, team and resources to match. Many entrepreneurs, but not, dare to dare to do is a good thing, but only bold or far from enough, originally wanted to achieve a big career, and finally found that even to find a few initial customers are very difficult, until the back of the capital chain break, had to hastily end.

2. Lawlessness

Agriculture may seem simple, but there are a lot of different rules. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, there are God's rules; Birds and beasts have the rules of nature; People of the world, there are folk customs rules; Red-headed documents, there are rules of government departments; Soil, fertilizer, water, seed, secrecy, protection, management, labor, the eight-character constitution, that is the rules of farming technology; As for the overall planning of grain and feed, planting and cultivation, the integration of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery, and the integrated development of the first, second and third industries, those are the rules from the market economy.

Into this line, you have to understand these rules, abide by these rules, which rules we can not underestimate, more can not be controlled, otherwise the end of the loss must be their own.

3, no roots and no roots

Anyone who chooses to start a business in agriculture must be aware that this industry requires a lot of resources, including human resources. If there is no foundation at all in this field, there is no root below, and there is no root above, the difficulty of implementation will not be small.

For example, when there is a conflict of interest between the project and the local farmers, if there is no influential person to help you coordinate, or when the relevant departments can not forcefully intervene, even if the law is in your favor, you may not be able to withdraw in the end.

In addition, agricultural projects often require government funding and the cooperation of other enterprises in the industrial chain, and if these resources are completely absent, the project is even more difficult.


4. Boundless

The scope of agriculture is so large that any one project, when it is done, will find that there are too many fields to relate to. Originally wanted to raise pigs, maybe you will feel that it is very profitable to do feed, and then you will find that slaughtering and deep processing are also very good, and then you will find that there are a lot of things you can do.

Some projects, very simple at the beginning, but later derived a lot of things, and then, in the face of a big project, found that the energy is completely insufficient, the original project has been made out of shape.

Many people, wechat search vegetable farming circle attention to join the circle, originally just do a link in the industrial chain or a single product, wait until the start, see the way others make money, then slowly want to "three controls" up: upstream control of seeds (research and development and seedling), downstream control of the market (channels and brands), intermediate control of production (standards and traceability).

In theory, it is possible to do this, but it depends on where you are. It is necessary to step by step, at any time, to set a boundary for your project, and do not easily cross the boundary when it has not been crossed at this stage. What's more, some projects have not even started, unrelated diversification ideas have been formed, so that in practice can be successful must be very rare.

5. Nothing old, nothing new

Agriculture is an ancient industry, but agricultural technology and agricultural business models are in constant iteration, and in this case, if you stick to the past set of results will be very bad.

As the old saying goes, "It is easy to obey the sky," do agriculture must recognize the development situation of agriculture, must have a unique understanding of the future development trend, on this basis, to find out what aspects they should inherit, in which aspects of innovation, is the right approach.

In this era of rapid update of knowledge, in this era of rapid iteration of technology, in this era of rapid dissemination of information, every investor in agricultural projects must clarify their thinking and conform to the general trend, otherwise, do not change their thinking, do not conform to The Times, will be eliminated by the industry and the market.


6. No fists, no courage

Do the project, strength and courage are equally important, have the strength, we use the time to take the hand; Courage. We take our shots when we have to. The competition in the field of agriculture is becoming more and more fierce, and whether the project can win or not, the final competition is still strength.

At the same time, when the opportunity comes, dare not dare to take the initiative without others trying, the courage of the decision-maker is very important.

Sometimes, one step ahead, step by step ahead, we need to dare to be the first in the case of targeting. Some people underestimate the difficulty of agricultural projects, not enough preparation in advance, when it comes to the critical moment, when they see that they can't, they are afraid and want to back down, this approach is basically ominous.

7. Without a trace

Agricultural projects are seen by many as too risky. How big is it? Some things may even disappear suddenly and completely. A typical example is Zhangzidao. In 2014, the company disclosed in its third quarterly report that due to the abnormal cold water mass in the North Yellow Sea, the company's 1,056,400 mu of Marine pastures were destroyed, and the scallops disappeared. Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi, Qi Qi. In such cases, if investors do not have sufficient awareness of risk, years of accumulation can be quickly wiped out.

8, no fit no Mo

Whatever you do, you must be good at focusing on the key points, and agricultural projects are certainly no exception. Once the project is started, entrepreneurs will find that there are many problems, if the priorities are not clear, only know to grasp, but can not grasp the key, it will lead to care about this and lose the other, and even lead to the final failure of the entire project.

For example, if you want to do an agricultural materials project, there are too many things to do, ordering and pulling goods, allocation and loading, delivery and unloading, every link needs to be arranged properly, but also to deal with a variety of farmers, but also to continue to choose products, continue to learn agricultural technology knowledge, and constantly try to improve the service level...... If you do not sort out the affairs of the project, find the key links and key work in person, but just blindly deal with these transactional work, not only will you be tired in a circle, but also may lead to problems in the project, light interests are damaged, heavy is a failure.

9, no toppling

Taking the traditional planting project as an example, the big aspect can be divided into three major links before, during and after delivery, and each link, we need to do a lot of work.

Before production, we need to prepare the land and purchase agricultural materials such as improved seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and feed. In production, we need to pay attention to pest control, water and fertilizer, field management and a series of things; After delivery, warehousing, processing, sales and logistics are interlinked.

If we do not have a thorough plan in advance and do not arrange these processes well, there will be a situation of disorderly war. None of the links can be less, and the order cannot be mistaken, and it cannot be adjusted at will. If the planting season is not ready, when the fertilizer is found that the fertilizer is not in place, the product is put away and the market is not implemented, so doing agricultural projects, of course, can not blame others for losing money.

10. No back and no side

The true success of any project cannot be achieved without the support of the team. Agricultural projects have obvious shortcomings in attracting talents to join, and it is objectively difficult to attract very good talents to the team.

Therefore, many projects are not successful because of the lack of talents. In most of the agribusinesses I've seen, the overall quality of the teams has a lot of room for improvement. In this case, if the internal unity problem cannot be solved and contradictions and differences cannot be effectively controlled, the core team may be in turmoil, and the negative impact on the project is self-evident.

There are always differences between people. For the entrepreneurial team, if the check is not carried out, the people walking together are not really like-minded, so it is very risky to start the project. In the first year, we may be able to share the joys and sorrows, in the second year, they become bedfellows, in the third year, they directly fight against each other, and to this step, no matter how good the project is, I am afraid that it is doomed.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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