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Modern facility farming puts production on the fast track

All localities must plan ahead, give priority to ecological protection, develop modern facility agriculture in light of local conditions, and actively carry out trials of facility agriculture for grain and oil crops. At the same time, experts have been organized to promote high-quality varieties, integrate and assemble new technologies, and tackle bottleneck technologies, so as to explore new paths and new models for the realization of grain storage in the ground and grain storage in technology.


Developing agriculture in the Gobi and saline-alkali lands, raising pigs and chickens in buildings, farming in the sea, herding and fishing, and planting anti-season vegetables in cold winter... To a certain extent, facility agriculture can make agriculture break through the high dependence on natural conditions, cross time and space, and broaden the development boundary. The National Modern Facility Agriculture Construction Plan (2023-2030) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other departments is China's first planning document on the construction of modern facility agriculture, which will promote modern facility agriculture into the fast track of development, enhance the stable supply capacity of food and important agricultural products, and meet the people's growing needs for a better life. We will increase farmers' incomes and improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture.

The supply of major grain varieties in China is sufficient, but the structural contradiction is prominent. Under the dual constraints of resources and environment, the construction of multiple food supply system is still facing greater pressure. Modern facility agriculture includes facility planting, facility animal husbandry, facility fishery, factory seedling raising facilities, grain drying facilities, storage cold chain logistics facilities and other public service facilities. It can use modern information technology, biotechnology, engineering equipment technology and modern management methods to break through the restrictions of resources, environment and market and expand the space and time of agricultural development. Alleviate the problems faced by food production such as less cultivated land, difficulty in raising seedlings, difficulty in drying grain, and difficulty in storing grain, and avoid market risks as much as possible.

The development of modern facility agriculture can save cultivated land resources and alleviate the conflict between grain and vegetable. Food, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and milk are necessary for three meals a day, and they are indispensable. China's cultivated land resources are limited, some places to develop vegetable, fruit industry, aquaculture inevitably occupy arable land, and the contradiction with food land contention is becoming increasingly prominent. We will explore the development of facility agriculture, reconstruct the growing environment for animals and plants, guide farmers to build greenhouses and farms on non-cultivated land such as low hills and gentle slopes, the Gobi, saline-alkali land, and the ocean, expand new space for modern facility agriculture in a new way, and return basic farmland to grain fields.


The construction of factory facilities for raising seedlings can solve the problem of raising seedlings. Rice seedling good half a year, seedling strong yield is high. The key to high yield of rice is to cultivate seedlings well. Rice seedling cultivation requires higher growth conditions such as temperature, humidity and light, poor seed emergence, irregular seedling emergence, and difficult transportation of seedlings in different places will affect mechanized seedling transplanting. Factory centralized mode, can achieve a large number of seedlings, through the use of assembly line operation, mechanical sowing, mechanical budding, automatic control of temperature, humidity and light, seedlings neat, standardized rice plate and mechanized rice transplanting can achieve seamless connection. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the construction of factory seedling cultivation facilities, make up for the short board of commercial seedling cultivation, and meet the demand for high-quality and healthy rice seedlings.

The construction of green drying facilities for reducing grain loss can help farmers solve the problem of drying grain. Newly harvested grain moisture is larger, if the drying or drying is not timely, it is easy to germinate mildew. At present, there are few drying places in rural areas, and it is difficult to meet the demand for drying grain. Open air drying is easy to be affected by the weather, and food is easy to be eaten by birds, bitten by rats and polluted. Mechanical drying can reduce the loss of grain drying link. It is necessary to focus on the production needs of major grain crops such as wheat, rice, corn and soybeans, accelerate the construction of green drying facilities for reducing grain losses, make up for the shortcomings of drying facilities and equipment in grain production areas, and further consolidate and increase grain production capacity.

The construction of cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation in producing areas can solve the problem of difficult food storage and preservation, and achieve "cross-cycle regulation". Agricultural production naturally has obvious periodicity and seasonality, and once the cycle cannot be effectively connected or the information asymmetry brings about "overshoot", it will cause market fluctuations. With the cold chain logistics facilities of origin storage, food can span time and space, extend the freshness period, and expand the market space. In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the construction of grain storage facilities, and the inventory is sufficient, and the relevant departments can effectively make up for the "gap period" during the food listing week according to the market supply and demand regulation. However, farmers' grain storage facilities are relatively simple, storage cold chain logistics facilities are short, food storage and preservation is difficult, and it is impossible to choose the time to sell. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for storage in production areas, effectively improve the storage and preservation and commercialization of grain production areas, and maximize the benefits.


Facility agriculture is the development direction of modern agriculture and one of the important symbols of agricultural modernization. On the basis of giving priority to ecological protection, all localities must develop modern facility agriculture in light of local conditions, actively carry out pilot projects for grain and oil crop facility agriculture, organize experts to promote high-quality varieties, integrate and assemble new technologies, and tackle bottleneck technologies, and explore new paths and models for realizing grain storage on the ground and grain storage on technology. We will shift grain production from traditional and extensive to modern resource-conserving and environment-friendly production, and increase the capacity for a stable supply of grain and important agricultural products.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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