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The fever subsided after the season

After the rise and fall, the high temperature in the north of China is reduced, but there are still high temperatures in many places in the south, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, where the humidity is large and the sauna day continues, and attention should be paid to heat prevention.

The central and eastern parts of China ushered in a large range of rain in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and northeast China.

In recent days, the central and eastern parts of China will have a large-scale rainfall process from west to east, with moderate to heavy rain in North China and heavy rain in Northeast China.


The high temperature decreased in the north and sauna days continued in many places in the south

In the next few days, the summer heat in most of northern China is fading, the autumn sense is gradually emerging in the morning and evening in many places in Northeast and northwest China, and the humidity in North China and other places is falling, and the sense of muggy will gradually ease.

However, in the south, especially in Jiangnan and Chongqing, the hot and humid weather will continue, and some areas will still have high temperatures. In the daily life of this area, it is still necessary to pay attention to heat prevention, drink more water, rest more, ventilation more, enhance immunity, and maintain indoor air circulation; Try to avoid going out in the afternoon when the temperature is higher, such as dizziness, nausea and other heat stroke phenomena need to seek medical attention in time.


Let's look at the longer term, how long will it be hot after the fall?

According to the climate trend forecast of the National Climate Center, after the northern region comes out, it means that the summer is coming to an end, and when it enters the End of Summer (August 23), the warm temperature will gradually subside, and the long and violent high temperature will gradually decrease like in June and July before, and the temperature will slowly become comfortable in autumn in the morning and evening.

For central and eastern North China, Huanghuai and most of the south, the heat is still there during the End of Heat. Especially in Jiangnan, South China and other places, the real cool has not yet opened, sometimes under the control of subtropical high pressure, there will be high temperatures, but also alert to the "autumn tiger" from time to time.


Facility vegetables require careful management

Temperature: Adjust the shed temperature suitable for crop growth according to different crops and weather conditions. Tomatoes and other temperature-loving crops during the day when the sun comes out of the sun to 2 PM is 23~30℃, 2 PM to sunset is 26~23℃, and 18~20℃ at night; Leaf vegetables are 20~25℃ during the day and 10~12℃ at night. The daytime temperature should be reduced by 3~5℃ on cloudy days. Avoid the temperature of the shed is too high or too low, especially to keep the temperature difference between day and night of 10~13℃.

Air humidity: For the same warm-like fruits and vegetables, the air humidity requirements are also different. Pepper like humid growing environment, in sunny days at noon should be in the row water or install micro spray spray to increase the air humidity; Tomato, eggplant like dry growth environment, suitable humidity of 45%-60%. Reducing the air humidity through ventilation and drainage, reducing the amount of watering and other measures, not only to ensure the normal growth of crops, but also to prevent the epidemic of diseases and pests.


Scientific watering should be carried out according to the weather, crop growth and soil moisture. It is better to pour small water frequently, and tomatoes and eggplants are generally watered once every 5 to 8 days. Water cucumbers and peppers once every 3 days to avoid excessive drought and over-watering at one time. Generally, topdressing is stopped 30 days before pulling rice seedlings, and foliar spraying can be taken to quickly supplement nutrition.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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