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How to manage vegetables to green high yield?

With the improvement of people's lives, we pay more and more attention to food safety issues, green pollution-free vegetables seem to be more in line with the needs of the public, the current market prospects are very broad.


First, the basic elements of high-yield vegetable planting

1. Choose the right soil

If you want to cultivate high-value vegetables, the choice of soil is very important. Choose the appropriate soil according to the planted vegetables, and appropriately improve the fertility of the soil according to the needs of sunlight and water during the growth of vegetables.

2. Choose high-quality vegetable varieties

The variety of vegetables is very important for their high output value. Compared with poor vegetable varieties, high-quality vegetable varieties have a stronger ability to resist natural disasters and pests. Therefore, according to the soil and climate conditions of vegetable planting areas, selecting suitable high-quality vegetable varieties is very key to high-yield vegetable planting.

3, reasonable use of fertilizer

According to the fertility of the soil and the growth of vegetables to use chemical fertilizer reasonably, can improve the yield of vegetables to a certain extent, but must grasp the amount, otherwise it will affect the yield and quality of vegetables.

4. Adjust the plant in time

In the process of vegetable planting, it is necessary to adjust the plant, and improve the yield and quality of vegetables by adjusting the stems and leaves of vegetables, the growth space and the distribution of fruits. Plant adjustment, first of all, we should be familiar with the plant characteristics and growth conditions of planted vegetables, and then adjust the plants by means of bridging, pruning, core picking, fruit thinning, leaf breaking, vine pressing, etc., in order to achieve the purpose of high output value of vegetables.

2. Control irrigation water quantity and irrigation times

In the vegetable planting process, reasonable irrigation amount and irrigation times can promote the growth of vegetables. When planting, if the climate is relatively dry, the number and amount of irrigation should be increased; If the climate is humid, the number and amount of irrigation should be reduced moderately. Before irrigation, it is necessary to analyze the growth characteristics of vegetables to develop the corresponding irrigation plan, and adjust the irrigation times according to the water demand of planting vegetables.


Third, control the humidity and temperature of vegetable growth

Scientific and reasonable control of humidity and temperature in the process of vegetable growth is conducive to efficient vegetable planting. Real-time monitoring should be carried out according to the soil and climate environment of vegetables.

Fourth, do a good job of disease and pest control

1. Agricultural prevention and control

In vegetable planting areas, planting retention areas and disease-free planting areas can be established, and in the selection of vegetable varieties, priority should be given to antiviral vegetable varieties suitable for the local growing environment. In the non-planting season, the soil should be scientifically treated, the soil should be deep dug, and the vegetable field should be kept clean. Scientific and reasonable fertilization, reasonable arrangement of planting quantity and density, strengthen soil disinfection, remove weeds in vegetable fields. In the process of vegetable growth, it is necessary to adopt a reasonable cultivation and rotation method, while improving the management system of vegetable planting areas, for example, in the same piece of land, it is necessary to take turns to plant eggplant fruits and vegetables and melon vegetables, and clean the vegetable planting area on time, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing the erosion of diseases and pests on vegetables, and ensure the high quality and high yield of vegetables.

2. Biological control

Biological control is mainly based on the characteristics of pests and pathogenic bacteria, giving priority to the selection of non-residual, pollution-free drugs that will not cause harm to crops and human bodies, and do a good job of prevention before the occurrence of diseases and pests.

3, chemical control

Chemical control is generally used in a wide range, the effect is relatively fast, and the effect of prevention and control is more obvious, the use of chemical methods for pest control should pay special attention to the period of spraying chemical agents, should use low residue, low toxicity of pesticides to kill insects, stop the use of pesticides before vegetables mature. In the process of chemical control, it is necessary to do a good job of preventing the damage of the surrounding crops by chemical agents, and the growers should control the use of chemical drugs.

V. Conclusion

In the development of modern agriculture, vegetable planting should not only ensure high yield, but also pay attention to the quality of vegetables, and use efficient planting methods to achieve the purpose of high yield and excellent yield of vegetables, so as to provide green, safe and high-quality vegetables for people's life

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