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The last solar term of autumn is coming

Today (October 24) at 0:21

Usher in the "Frost's descent" solar term

Frost's descent is the last solar term of autumn

It also marks the transition from autumn to winter

Frost's descent is the 18th solar term in the 24 solar terms and the last solar term in autumn. A small finger; The sun's longitude is 210°; It is celebrated on October 23-24 of the Gregorian calendar. After entering the Frost's Descent, the late autumn scene is obvious, and the cold air moves south more and more frequently. Frost descent does not mean "frost fall", but means that the temperature drops sharply and the temperature difference between day and night is large. On a national average, Frost's descent is the time of year when the temperature difference between day and night is the largest.


Frost season, vegetable management need to pay attention to what?

Management of vegetables in large sheds

Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers and other temperature-loving crops should strengthen heat preservation and cold prevention, close the tuyere strictly at night, and be surrounded by a straw curtain; And timely watering and timely harvesting. For tomato fruits that cannot turn color, harvest them in time when the temperature drops to more than 5 ° C and put them in a greenhouse or idle house at a higher temperature before ripening. Celery, lettuce, rape, radish and other cold-resistant vegetables to strengthen watering, insect control and other management work.


Clean the fields and plow the land

In the open field, plants and stubble should be brought back as soon as possible, and harmless treatment such as high-temperature composting or ozone disinfection should be concentrated. Tilling the land before freezing, the plots in the upper tuyere of the city can be planted with wintering stubble or rape to prevent the bare land from forming dust and avoid causing pollution to the urban air.

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Address: Gerui agriculture, 20 / F, Shouguang e-commerce building, Shandong Province

Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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