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Solar greenhouse vegetable management a few why

Winter temperature is low, greenhouse vegetables are also easy to appear a variety of problems, need to take a variety of measures in advance to prevent and deal with these light will reduce vegetable production and quality heavy will cause a large reduction in production problems. So what are the reasons and principles for these measures?


1, why should we try to extend the light time?

As the saying goes, everything grows by the sun. Light is the power of photosynthesis of crops, without light, crops can not carry out photosynthesis, without photosynthesis, crops can not grow and there is no vegetables, food and fruit, and even meat, eggs, milk and so on, we rely on food. In theory, the longer the light time, the higher the efficiency of photosynthesis, the more organic products the crop will produce, that is, the higher the yield and quality. In the northern winter, the light time is short, so it is necessary to extend the light time in the greenhouse as far as possible. As soon as the sun comes up, quickly remove the quilt or straw mat, and cover it when the sun goes down. Of course, considering the temperature problem, it can be flexibly controlled in time.

2, why do you open the quilt in cloudy and snowy weather?

As plants grow, they also breathe, releasing energy and carbon dioxide. It and photosynthesis are two physiological processes of decomposition and synthesis of two substances in two different directions. Photosynthesis can only be carried out in the presence of light, while respiration can be carried out with or without light. In other words, during the day, while photosynthesis is taking place, respiration is actually taking place. During the day, although there is no direct sunlight, there is still scattered light, and plants can use these seemingly weak light to photosynthesize to maintain growth. If the quilt or straw mat is not removed, there is no light in the shed, no photosynthesis, but only respiration. On the one hand, the nutrients stored in the plant body will be continuously consumed with respiration, and over a long period of time, the growth amount and stress resistance of the plant will be greatly reduced, and the ability to resist bacterial infection will be reduced, and it will be more susceptible to disease infection. On the other hand, plants themselves have the habit of growing to the light, and they will grow upward when there is no light or the light is very weak, resulting in thin and barren, which is not only easy to fall but also prone to disease. Therefore, in cloudy days or little snow weather, during the day to uncover the quilt as much as possible, and pay attention to cleaning the snow covered on the shed film.

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3, why greenhouse vegetables to change temperature management?

As we all know, the level and change of temperature will affect the survival, growth and development of organisms at all times. The same is true of plants. Temperature affects various physiological metabolic processes in plants, such as respiration, decomposition, photosynthetic synthesis, absorption and transport of water and nutrients, transformation and accumulation of substances, and so on. In turn, these physiological metabolic strengths are also affected by other factors. In the day, morning, morning, noon, evening and late night, etc., at different times, because of the comprehensive influence of light, temperature and other factors, the physiological metabolism of plants is not the same. The purpose of agricultural production is to make good use of these laws more scientifically, so that crops can produce more and better quality agricultural products. Vegetable cultivation in shed is a mode of agricultural production to achieve this purpose. Variable temperature management can purposefully adjust the growth of vegetables to better achieve our production purposes. In the morning, after uncovering the quilt, the intensity and efficiency of photosynthesis gradually increased with the enhancement of light and temperature, and reached a peak at about 13:00 at noon. In the afternoon, the intensity of photosynthesis gradually decreased with the light and temperature, and in the evening, the transfer rate of photosynthetic products produced by green organs such as stems and leaves during the day reached a peak to other organs such as roots and fruits. This material transfer gradually slows down at night, until the sun comes out, the temperature in the shed is at its lowest, and the physiological metabolism of the plant is also at its lowest. This is the physiological activity of the plant itself, we should make better use of these laws in production management, by covering the shed film, cover the quilt and the wind, etc., to control the temperature change at different times, in order to maximize our production purposes.

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