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New changes in agriculture in transitional times: Exploring the concepts and advantages of new agriculture

The key to future rural development is new agriculture, so what is new agriculture? Traditional agriculture has always been dominant in China, but with the development of society, the concept of new agriculture has also emerged. If you want to succeed in today's competitive times, you must combine the new agriculture. So what is the new agriculture?


Before exploring the concept of new agriculture, let's first understand what traditional agriculture is.

What exactly is traditional agriculture?

Traditional agriculture refers to the natural economy of self-sufficiency of small farmers with family farms as the unit, and uses human power, animal power and simple labor tools to carry out agricultural production. The production mode is relatively primitive and backward, with crop cultivation and primary agricultural products trading as the main source of income. Practitioners can offer only personal labor and limited experience. In the process of social industrialization and structural adjustment, traditional agriculture is often unfairly squeezed. In our country, traditional agriculture has other characteristics, such as in the modern urban and rural dual economic structure, can not have a fair industrial status, but a passive bearing party. They develop their careers weakly under the restrictions of various social obligations and institutional policies.

Our development of "new agriculture" to replace traditional agriculture is not only the needs of industrial development and social and economic development, but also lays a more solid foundation for the harmonious, healthy and sustainable development of the whole society.


What is New agriculture?

New agriculture can also be called modern agriculture. The so-called modern agriculture is relative to traditional agriculture, refers to the extensive application of modern science and technology, modern industry to provide means of production and scientific management methods of socialized agriculture, compared with the small-scale production form of traditional agriculture, it is a high-input, high-yield agricultural form.

Under the background of new agriculture, the traditional mode of agricultural production is undergoing historic changes. The introduction of new thinking and new technologies has made agricultural production more efficient, environmentally friendly and intelligent. The promotion of new models and new forms makes agricultural products more distinctive and added value. The innovation of new products and new business forms has expanded the market and development space of agriculture. New agriculture has become the mainstream of future agricultural development, but also the inevitable choice of China's agricultural industry transformation and upgrading.

New thinking: Encourage innovative thinking, boldly try new planting and breeding methods, break the shackles of traditional concepts, and promote the process of agricultural modernization. Traditional agriculture has a limited market and often faces the problem of poor sales of agricultural products, which eventually leads to product decay and waste. However, many people are now beginning to integrate the development of The Times, have a more open Internet thinking, and expand their sales of agricultural products to all parts of the country with the help of online platforms such as e-commerce and live broadcasting. Those who have mastered the business not only do not have to worry about slow sales of goods, sometimes on the shelves can quickly snap up.

New model: With the progress of The Times, the way farmers operate agriculture is different from the past. Traditional farming and harvesting methods have been replaced by various new agricultural models. For example, the emergence of new agricultural management models such as crowdfunding agriculture, ecological agriculture, family farms, ecological recycling agriculture, brand agriculture, leisure agriculture, not only diversifies the agricultural format, but also increases more economic benefits for farmers. These emerging agricultural formats make agriculture develop in the direction of quality, making agricultural production more characteristic, competitive and profitable, which is also the development trend of today's agriculture.

New technology: The new agriculture introduces intelligent equipment, remote monitoring technology, fine management and other cutting-edge technologies, improve production efficiency and quality, reduce labor costs and environmental pollution.


Agriculture has entered the digital age, and the progress of science and technology has brought unprecedented development opportunities for agriculture. Whether it is from the traditional fields such as seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, agricultural machinery, or from the level of micro genetic laws, macro production factors, the application of modern information technology has made agricultural production more efficient and convenient.

In the field of traditional technology, human beings have been constantly exploring and innovating. Modern agricultural technology has made full use of these achievements, optimizing and improving the planting, pesticide application, fertilization, use of agricultural machinery, irrigation, soil management and cultivation, and enhancing the labor production efficiency and output level of agricultural production.

Through the application of biotechnology, we can improve and optimize the genetic laws of crops from the micro and internal levels. In this way, we can obtain more excellent characteristics, thereby increasing production efficiency and saving resources, which is one of the important characteristics of agriculture in the digital age.

Digital technology is one of the important driving forces of agricultural development. With the use of modern digital technologies, we can recombine and optimize various agricultural production factors, strengthen the integration of internal and external factors, so as to improve production efficiency, save resources and gradually free from the shackles of traditional experience. Digital agriculture, represented by agricultural Internet of Things, agricultural big data, precision agriculture and smart agriculture, enables us to better conduct agricultural production and management, improve efficiency and output levels.

Therefore, the development of science and technology not only makes agricultural production more efficient and convenient, but also creates a broader development space for us. Let us continue to explore, innovate and develop in agricultural production in the digital age, and make greater contributions to agricultural modernization and the development of agriculture through science and technology.

New form: The new agriculture changes the decentralized and inefficient production mode of traditional agriculture, and advocates an intensive and socialized modern agricultural production form to make better use of land resources.

The family economy has been different from the traditional "small peasant economy" of self-sufficiency. Represented by "family farms", they have achieved the balance of the highest efficiency, the lowest cost and the maximization of responsibility power with the moderate scale and the sale of commodities as the main way of profit.

The cooperative economy, mainly in the form of "farmer cooperatives", has been vigorously developed throughout the country. However, it should be noted that there should be no formalism and no falsification.

The trusteeship economy is represented by "land trusteeship" in the whole process and "productive trusteeship" in some links, which effectively avoids the existing institutional obstacles, such as land ownership, contract rights and management rights. In this way, large-scale production and operation can be achieved quickly and at low cost.

New products: New agriculture promotes high-quality agricultural products such as geographical indication products, organic foods, processed agricultural and sideline products to stimulate consumer demand for agricultural products and promote agricultural transformation and upgrading.

Diversity is an essential feature of agriculture. Continuously explore and innovate in color, aroma, taste, meaning, shape and other experiences, and dig deeply into each market segment, which is the development opportunity of new agriculture;

The improvement of the quality of agricultural products is a long process, due to the influence of many uncontrollable factors. The new agriculture needs to focus on controllable production process and product quality, ensure safety, green and organic, and meet the continuous upgrading of product demand of various consumer groups;

Each region has its unique cultural connotation and advantages, and agricultural production is also adapted to local conditions and conforms to the season. How to strengthen and consolidate the characteristics of their own products while ensuring product quality, and insist on building their own brands and being recognized by consumers, is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity;

Cultivated culture has profound historical origins in our country, and its contained historical and cultural connotation is not only for the needs of food. How to excavate, endow and construct the cultural connotation suitable for the new agriculture is worth every practitioner's deep thinking, bold innovation and active practice.


New formats: New agriculture is not limited to traditional planting and aquaculture, but also involves the integration of agriculture and tourism, Internet + agriculture, rural e-commerce and other emerging formats, expanding the development space and industrial chain of agriculture.

In today's rapidly developing economic environment, agriculture has also entered a new era. A variety of new business forms continue to emerge, among which order farming, Internet farming and community sales have attracted much attention. They are not only gradually changing the development trajectory of traditional agriculture, but also bringing many innovations and improvements in production processes, sales methods, and marketing channels.

Order agriculture is a production mode driven by terminal demand. By optimizing the front and back end of the industrial chain, rapid response and coordination of production, sales, logistics and other links are achieved, and more accurate products and services are provided for downstream industries and consumer groups. Another important feature of this production mode is the integration of supply chain finance, which further improves the production efficiency and quality level. Order agriculture can create greater demand and value space for high-quality agricultural products, and better meet the individual needs of consumers, but also conducive to promoting the structural upgrading of agriculture.

Internet agriculture is a new form of business based on the Internet, focusing on personalized consumption needs. Different from the large-scale unified production of traditional agriculture, Internet agriculture pays more attention to product differentiation and characteristics. The use of the Internet and the Internet of Things technology means to fast, convenient and unique ways of communication and transaction, to create more diverse and more accurate sales channels and marketing means. By connecting both ends of production and marketing, it provides more convenient purchasing methods and better consumption experience for high-end and characteristic agricultural products.

Community sales is a kind of production mode for specific regional consumption, which directly connects with the characteristics of different producing areas and high-end agricultural products. It provides a high level of trust and word-of-mouth by targeting consumers in specific communities. Consumers can also feedback their opinions in the first time, which will help the timely improvement and upgrading of the product, but also promote the optimization and upgrading of the production side.

The order agriculture, Internet agriculture and community sales under the new business format have undoubtedly brought a new market competition pattern and business model. They are both a paradigm change in co-production and an emerging marketing approach that brings broader value space to high-quality agricultural products.


The advantages of new agriculture compared with traditional agriculture

In the rapid development of the current society, agriculture is also constantly upgrading. From traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and then to today's new agriculture, each change has brought more advantages and convenience. Let's explore the advantages of new agriculture compared to traditional agriculture.

1, the advantages of mechanized production

Compared with traditional agriculture, the new agriculture has higher scientific and technological content and can be mechanized production. This production method is more efficient, faster, and more in line with the needs of large-scale projects. Traditional agriculture needs to rely on labor for farming, harvesting and other links, while the new agriculture can achieve fast and efficient production through mechanized equipment, improving production efficiency and output.

2. Precise control of production process

The new agriculture adopts more precise standard control and production process, which can produce more high-quality and large yield agricultural products. Through scientific and technological means of data analysis, environmental monitoring, quality inspection and other links, we can more accurately judge and control the problems in the production process, so as to ensure the stability and quality of production.

3. Advantages of environmental protection and sustainable development

The new agriculture basically adopts green and environmentally friendly production methods, which can promote the sustainable development of agriculture. Traditional agriculture often uses pesticides, fertilizers and other chemical substances, causing great damage to the land and ecological environment. The new agriculture uses biotechnology, organic fertilizer and other environmental protection means, which can not only ensure the quality of agricultural products, but also protect the environment and achieve sustainable development.

The vitality of new agriculture

New agriculture is not only a simple upgrade on the basis of traditional agriculture, in many ways, it is the "upgrade" and subversion of traditional agriculture. The new agriculture is a new business form under the new economic and social development framework, driven by new food security and consumption trends, using new technologies, new production methods and new organizational forms. Its vitality lies not only in its advantages and convenience, but also in its continuous adaptation and innovation, which brings more possibilities and opportunities for the development of agriculture.

All in all, the advantages of new agriculture compared with traditional agriculture are reflected in efficiency, precision, environmental protection and other aspects. It is not only a new type of production mode, but also a new type of business that can promote the sustainable development of agriculture. With the continuous development of society and the continuous progress of science and technology, I believe that the development space and potential of new agriculture are infinite possibilities.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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