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What are the opportunities for agricultural iot in agricultural development?

The Internet of Things technology is widely used in modern agriculture, which can change the traditional management mode and improve the prevention and control ability of animal and plant epidemics, ensuring that safety and quality lead the modernization development. Through the study of the Internet of Things, it is found that there are many opportunities in agricultural development, including the following aspects:

1. Agricultural and sideline food safety

Strengthen food safety supervision, use the Internet of Things technology to achieve agricultural products traceability and information tracking. Establish a complete information tracking and traceability system for the entire industrial chain, and build a "whole-network, whole-process" food safety collaborative supervision. Tracking the production, processing, wholesale and retail of pork products through electronic chips and trace codes on cash registers, and inquiring various information.


2. Agricultural information push

Agricultural information includes supply and demand, price, market analysis, financial policy, important news and practical technology. Among them, supply and demand and price information has strong timeliness, and it needs to be tracked in time to avoid information obsolescence or asymmetry. Push technology is an active and timely service means, which can meet the objectives of agricultural information service.

3. Intelligent cultivation

With the in-depth study of Internet of Things technology in the field of modern agriculture, strengthening intelligent planting and cultivation is the focus of agricultural development, through the installation of wireless sensors and other intelligent control systems, the entire crop growth environment can be detected, and timely control of infrastructure to ensure that crops have the best growing environment to improve yield and ensure quality.

4. Aquaculture environmental monitoring

In modern aquaculture farms, the environmental conditions of the pond not only affect the safety of aquatic growth but also directly affect the output, so it is more necessary to monitor its breeding environment, which needs to automatically monitor and control parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH value, improve the degree of automation and intelligence, and gradually realize remote distributed monitoring. Therefore, the application of iot technology in the field of aquaculture is of great significance.


5. Water-saving irrigation

Water is the lifeblood of agriculture and an important factor affecting the development of national economy. However, China's agricultural water utilization efficiency is low, and the core technology of the Internet of things wireless sensor network has the characteristics of real-time and flexible layout, which can be applied to real-time monitoring of soil moisture index and other information in various irrigation areas, so as to maximize the use of water resources.

In summary, the application of agricultural Internet of Things has brought intelligent and efficient changes to agricultural production. With the continuous progress of Internet of Things technology, agricultural Internet of Things will play a more important role in the future, making new contributions to the sustainable development of agricultural production.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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