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Next year, the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, these "points" should be grasped

The Central Rural Work Conference held recently analyzed the current situation and challenges facing the work of "agriculture, rural areas" and deployed the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in 2024. Experts believe that to do a good job in the "three rural" work next year, we should grasp the "power point" of food production, dig deep into the "growth point" of farmers' income, focus on the "breakthrough point" of rural reform and innovation, identify the "entry point" of rural comprehensive revitalization, grasp the "key point" of urban and rural integration development, anchor the goal of building an agricultural power, and effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.


Strengthen the "power point" of grain production

The Central Rural Work Conference pointed out that we should strengthen the production of grain and important agricultural products, stabilize the grain sown area, promote the increase of grain yield per unit area in a large area, consolidate the results of soybean planting expansion, and explore the establishment of inter-provincial horizontal benefit compensation mechanisms for grain production and marketing areas.

Qian Qian, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that China's grain output has reached a record high for nine consecutive years, stable at more than 1.3 trillion jin. To ensure that grain output in 2024 is kept above 1.30 trillion tons, we need to keep area stable, increase yield per unit area, highlight the ability of science and technology, and work together to further tap the potential of grain increase and consolidate the foundation of food security. At the same time, we need to strengthen the protection and development of cultivated land and firmly safeguard the "lifeblood" of grain production.

Liu Naxi, a researcher at the National Agricultural Market Research Center of China Agricultural University, said that in recent years, some provinces in China have carried out some exploration of food benefit compensation within and between provinces, and the future can accelerate the implementation of the benefit compensation mechanism by driving the main marketing areas to carry out agricultural socialization services, agricultural science and technology research and development and other market-oriented exploration.

Tap into the 'growth point' of farmers' income

The Central Rural Work Conference proposed to adhere to industrial development of agriculture, quality development of agriculture, green development of agriculture, precision and practical cultivation of rural industries, improve the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, and implement farmer income promotion actions.

In 2023, China will further increase the scale of central financial subsidies to promote rural revitalization, focus on areas with poor rural revitalization foundation, promote poverty alleviation areas to rely more on development to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and promote the upgrading of industries.

Experts said that industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization, only to promote the revitalization of rural industries, in order to fundamentally solve the low efficiency of agricultural operations, farmers to increase income and get rich and rural construction and development lag and other problems. Some poor areas should select excellent industries and quasi-industries to ensure that farmers in the region can achieve income growth from industrial development.


Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that to improve the interest linkage mechanism, farmers should participate in the development of rural industries as much as possible through "resources to assets, funds to equity, farmers to shareholders", and leave more industrial value-added income to farmers, through employment driven, guaranteed dividends, share cooperation and other forms. So that farmers can reasonably share the value-added benefits of the whole industrial chain.

Focus on the breakthrough point of rural reform and innovation

The Central Rural Work Conference pointed out that strengthening rural reform and innovation, and encouraging local practice and exploration and institutional innovation under the premise of adhering to the bottom line.

Seeds are the "chips" of agriculture. Wan Jianmin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that there is still a certain way to go to realize the transformation from a big country in the seed industry to a strong country in the seed industry, and we should seize the opportunity to promote the industrialization of biological breeding, take the national strategic needs and the urgent problems of the industry as a guide, strengthen the goal-oriented basic research, accelerate the innovation of major genes and breeding theories, and achieve a high level of self-reliance in seed industry science and technology.

Deepening rural reform is an important driving force for building an agricultural power. At present, China is actively developing a new type of rural collective economy by promoting the reform of the rural land system and the collective property rights system, so that farmers can share more of the fruits of development.

Experts believe that deepening rural reform should seize the three "bovine nose" of talent, land and capital, with the goal of enhancing the endogenous development power of people, and promoting the reform of the rural land system as a breakthrough to stimulate the vitality of various resource elements.

Finding the "entry point" for comprehensive rural revitalization

The Central Rural Work Conference pointed out that it is necessary to learn and use the development concept, working methods and promotion mechanism contained in the "ten million project", start from the practical problems strongly reflected by the peasant masses, find the starting point for rural revitalization, and improve the effectiveness of work.

The "ten million project" has profoundly changed the face of Zhejiang countryside, created a modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map", and is the practical source of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and building a beautiful China.

Du Zhixiong, a researcher at the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that all localities should think about how to adapt to local conditions, comprehensively and systematically learn and use the "ten million project" experience, find the entry point that meets the real needs of local farmers, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization work to do better and truly be "powerful and effective."


Grasp the "key points" of Urban-Rural integration

The Central Rural Work Conference pointed out that the new urbanization and the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside should be coordinated, the comprehensive carrying capacity and governance capacity of the county should be improved, and the integrated development of urban and rural areas in the county should be promoted.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the "14th Five-Year Plan" and even the future for a long time to further play the important role of the county in promoting new urbanization to achieve urban and rural integration development, on the one hand to consolidate the industrial base of the county, promote the local employment of agricultural transfer population and continue to increase income; On the other hand, it is necessary to improve the level of municipal construction and public services in the county, improve the level of education, culture, fitness, medical care, pension, social security and housing security, and enhance the carrying capacity and absorption capacity of the rural migrant population.

Zheng Fengtian, a professor at the College of Agriculture and Rural Development of Renmin University of China, said that to promote the integration of urban and rural development, it is necessary to break the urban-rural dual structure in the county area, improve the comprehensive bearing and governance capacity of the county seat, and effectively undertake the needs of rural population to go to the city while undertaking the needs of migrant workers in big cities to return home and live for the elderly.

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