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From the background, current situation, trend, path, the digital transformation of agricultural modernization

In recent years, the application of Beidou navigation, 5G, the Internet of Things, big data and other technologies in agricultural production, circulation, service and other links has led "unmanned" agriculture to gradually replace the traditional farming mode of fertilization by experience, and digital agriculture will be a more advanced stage of agricultural modernization.

China's "14th Five-Year Plan" for the first time, the comprehensive grain production capacity as a binding indicator of security, in the main indicators of economic and social development is clearly defined. At present, whether digital agriculture can be transformed from a "bonsai" in some places into a "landscape" for large-scale promotion and application, it is also necessary to speed up the transformation of scientific research and application to improve production and operation efficiency, and connect farmers, new business entities, agriculture-related enterprises and industry organizations through digital agriculture. To form a stronger competitiveness, higher productivity, to provide assistance for agricultural modernization.

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The background of digital agriculture development

Information and Internet of Things technology is a rare opportunity for the development of agriculture in our country. China proposes to use information technology to drive and promote new industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. In recent years, the Party Central Committee and The State Council have issued a series of major decisions on promoting informatization.

Digital transformation is the ultimate goal of informatization, and agriculture, as one of the three industries with the lowest degree of informatization and digitalization and the lowest proportion of GDP value-added, has been the general trend to accelerate the development of digital agricultural industrialization. The rules of the digital transformation path are traceable, first of all, the digitization of information, that is, how to turn information into data, and then the digitization of business, that is, how to deeply participate in agricultural production and service through Internet of Things devices, and ultimately to achieve the overall digital transformation of agriculture.

Current situation and trend of the development of digital agriculture

1. The development of digital agriculture in China has begun to yield results

The development of digital agriculture in China has achieved certain results, but at the same time, the development of digital agriculture is still facing many problems, the main aspects are: key research and development lag, low level of sensor autonomy, lack of special chips, intelligent equipment research and development start late; No substantial progress has been made in integrating and sharing data resources. The use of modern information technology to solve the practical problems in agricultural industry is not obvious, especially the production link is weak; The agricultural digital economy obviously lags behind the secondary and tertiary industries.

2. Major opportunities for the digital transformation of China's agricultural and rural development

The introduction of the 14th Five-Year Plan is a major opportunity for the digital transformation of agricultural and rural development. The broad prospects for the development of rural digital economy have two important supports, one is that agriculture is the industry with the most abundant digital resources, and the more in-depth the excavation of agricultural production efficiency, the higher the second is the urgent demand of farmers for digital technology, the more the promotion and application of farmers' comprehensive income. Therefore, digital technology is of great significance for the optimization and improvement of agriculture in all aspects, all angles and all chains. Modern information technology will play an increasingly prominent role in improving resource utilization, labor productivity and land output. The improvement of total factor productivity of digital agriculture will also continue to establish and expand competitive advantages compared with traditional agriculture, and digital technology will become a new driving force for the high-quality development of rural economy and society.

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The path to promote the development of digital agriculture

To promote the development of digital agriculture, it is necessary to give full play to the two core functions of big data prediction and early warning and optimization of input factor structure. That is to say, big data must have the function of forecasting and early warning, so that the climate and agriculture situation can be known first, and the input factor structure must be optimized to improve the total factor productivity. Specifically, we should focus on the following aspects.

1. Build regional agricultural data center

The regional agricultural data center is mainly to promote the landing of digital technology. In the process of data center construction, it is necessary to accelerate the integration of existing data resources, and to build a sky-earth integrated agricultural digital resource system is a key project that needs a long time to work. For agricultural pilot projects in various regions that receive financial support at all levels, especially those involving informatization, it is best to clearly state data co-construction and sharing as an obligation to all participants at the beginning of the project, and the subsequent approval of pilot projects should take into account the types and contents of data collected by the project and the types of research tools needed in the feasibility analysis. At the time of acceptance, whether the data collection and preliminary screening are realized is taken as the pre-condition of acceptance.

In addition, it is necessary to establish a cooperation mechanism for the co-construction and sharing of data resources, and the subjects involved in the construction of data centers have the right to participate in data sharing, and break data barriers and exchange needed goods by establishing and improving the system and mechanism for market players to share data.

2. Combine the pieces and promote the construction of agricultural data

Single varieties of the whole industry chain as the main line construction data, that is, including apple, soybean, cotton, grain and other single varieties of the whole industry chain big data; Because big data landing, must rely on the county agricultural production base and modern agricultural park as the unit of block data; In particular, attention should be paid to the three links of the closed-loop iteration of digital agriculture: collection, analysis, and application, which must form a cycle in order to continue to promote. Not to say that the data collection is done, the most important thing is to form a model on the basis of analysis, and the final key is to return to the application and drive development.

3. Accelerate the transformation of digital technological achievements

We will increase the application and promotion of new technologies, new products and new models of digital agriculture. In terms of policy, agricultural sensors and intelligent equipment need to be included in agricultural machinery purchase subsidies. The agricultural product safety demonstration counties and one village and one product demonstration villages (towns) carried out across the country are very suitable for digital technology application pilot to carry out practice; In the future, it is also necessary to layout and build a number of agricultural big data pilot demonstration counties and digital agricultural economy demonstration zones, and prospectively explore the application scenarios of 5G and blockchain in agricultural rural economic ecology.

4. Foster and strengthen the digital economy in agriculture and rural areas

The digital transformation of traditional agriculture is the main position of the development of digital economy in agriculture and rural areas. The information-based agricultural production and service plays a key role in improving the added value of agriculture. Cultivating rural areas to promote the digital technology industry chain is the main battlefield for the development of agricultural digital economy, which is suitable for relying on the dividends of the "Internet +" agricultural products out of the village into the city project, innovative development of rural e-commerce.

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At present, e-commerce still plays an irreplaceable role in the development of agricultural and rural digital economy. Combine the e-commerce export of agricultural products with the procurement of industrial products to the countryside, increase the consumption power attribute of rural areas in e-commerce activities, and vigorously develop content e-commerce, quality e-commerce, social e-commerce, video e-commerce, etc. All these need to engage in the frontline of digital agriculture enterprises to shoulder greater social responsibilities, the agricultural and rural digital economy data chain, industrial chain, value chain combination, play well.

5. Strengthen agricultural information services

The integration and sharing of policy, agricultural and business information resources is the precondition of agricultural information service. Through the promotion of agricultural service business, digital technology should be implemented in thousands of households, the construction of an integrated agricultural information service platform should be accelerated, some apps that are easy for farmers to use in production, commonly used in business operations, and easy to analyze and research should be developed, and the agricultural producer service industry with data as the key element should be vigorously developed. We will make agricultural modernization more stable and further advanced.

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Shandong Zhongnong Gerui Agricultural Group Co., Ltd

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